Converting Online Leads: Offers, Email Nurturing

Increasing website traffic won’t automatically result in more leads and sales. Your visitors need to understand who you are, what you have to offer and why they should choose you over the competition.There is a thought process involved in buying decisions that we want to affect with the content we provide.This is the subtext of inbound marketing, kind of an indirect sales methodology.

Content is a Critical Sales Resource, a Tool for Lead Conversion

Your brand needs to anticipate prospects’ needs with appropriate content, but also with a strategy that directs prospects through a sales funnel. It’s a “show, don’t tell” way of selling in a progression that encourages commitment and deeper thought about making a purchase.

In today’s digital landscape, consumers call the shots.They research online, gathering as much information as they can—often distinguishing you from your competition before ever speaking to a salesperson.

The most powerful way to convince your prospects: make this information attractive and easy to find, share and secure purchase commitment.

Inbound marketing works like this: Create an Online Pipeline: Your Digital Sales Funnel

Top of the Funnel: Prospects Explore Your Brand.

  • Offer prospects educational content they value.
  • Include a call-to-action, an action prospects take to redeem this offer.
  • Prospects accept this offer in exchange for contact information. Now you have a name, email address, knowledge of what interests them.

Middle of the Funnel: Prospects Compare Your Brand to Others.

  • Set up a stream of lead nurturing emails enticing further action and addressing points of pushback. If prospects like x, won’t they like y and z? No one does this better than Amazon.
  • Provide more detailed information, but ask prospects to take action. Webinars and checklists are examples.

Bottom of the Funnel: Prospects are Pretty Ready to Make a Purchasing Decision After Reviewing Product Features, Benefits and Competitive Differentiators.

  • Offer quotes and assessments.

HI Helps You Create the Strategy and Content for Your Funnel

It’s not just having content, it’s using content in a funnel-specific way that helps you land more leads and sales online.It’s in the way that you use it; the information you provide is your best sales tool.

The more information you can provide at the top and middle of the funnel, where prospects are gathering information and discriminating, the more time your salespeople will have to address bottom-funnel concerns and close the deal.

HI can help you organize the conversion process and messaging, so that you are selling optimally online.